Moms of this day and age often turn not only to their family and friends, but also to Facebook groups for advice and supporting on all things parenting. And there seems to be a group for just about everything! Pros of asking an online group include quick responses from those in the same situation, lots of solutions to your dilemma, and perhaps anonymous advice from those who don't know you and won't judge you (and if they do, no one needs that drama and get out!).
Yet there is one type of post I see in almost every group I'm in. It often starts off with "Am I a bad mom if...". Whether they are genuinely concerned or looking for attention, how sad is it that we doubt ourselves so often. We all have bad days and moments we aren't proud of but for the most part we try our hardest to do the best we know how to.
I'm a firm believer in the fact that our children were born into our particular families for a reason. We may be far from perfect parents but you are the perfect mom-to-child fit for your babe.
There is no shame in admitting you are wrong, or don't know something, or should have acted better. In fact there is great strength in reaching out and asking for help! But let us be kinder to ourselves.
No, you are not a bad mom. Not even if you lost your temper, or regret today, or said something you shouldn't have. You are human and you are trying. Kids may think mom has superpowers, but every mom knows what it's like to stare at herself in the mirror and wonder "am I enough?"
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