Tuesday, January 23, 2018

A review on Minimalism: a documentary about important things

I just finished watching "Minimalism: a documentary about important things" and it reminded me of why I embrace this way of life, but it also make me glad to have a divine purpose and perspective in my life. Here are some main takeaways and reflections I had about this documentary. 

Main takeaways 

  • Stuff doesn’t make you happy. The thrill of the hunt gets you an item but then the thrill is gone, the void is there, and you feel even emptier. 
  • People matter most. The relationships we have give way more meaning to our lives than what we can do or acquire. 
  • Things crowd our lives. When we get rid of the excess, things are simpler and healthier. It’s like the fog has been lifted from our eyes and we are life anew. 
  • Minimalism at its core is about living intentionally. When you are deliberate with your choices and your actions you not only keep to only what you need but you also live a life of integrity. 
So many individuals interviewed said they found themselves lost in consumerism with a lack of purpose. Having less and being intentional does clarify life, but purpose comes in knowing why we are here and who we are. I know I am a daughter of God and because of that I have an inherent worth to my soul. I don’t need to prove myself worthy of love, or consume to feel whole because God’s love will always be there to breathe importance into who I am. My ultimate goal is to become like Him and while minimalism helps me focus on that goal, it didn’t create it. I loved this film because it highlighted the many reasons I believe in doing more with less, but it also showcased the lack of perspective our world has for the reasons we are here on this earth. We are here to learn, to build families, and to practice righteous living that we may one day live with our Father in Heaven. 

Bottom line, I enjoyed watching the film and if you're looking to be inspired or fuel your minimalism fire, go watch it! But also remember that while stuff should not define who you are, neither does minimalism - your worth is inherent as a child of God.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

today I miss “me”

Today wasn’t necessarily a hard day. Naps were ok, we saw friends at playgroup, we went on a walk. And yet as I lay here reflecting on what we did, I miss the old me. I miss the me that got to stay up and go out. I miss the me that could eat a peaceful meal and go the bathroom by herself. I miss the me that thought about me.

I recognize there are times and seasons for every stage of life and this is one where it's more about the littles, but that doesn't mean accepting it is always easy. Most of the time I can, but then there are days like today where I remember how it was so EASY to only worry about myself. How simple life would be if I could fill my days with hobbies, evenings with tv shows, and maybe even actually get household chores done consistently. And yet, how unfulfilling is that compared to what I do now.

Brene Brown tells us that if we shy away from things that are uncomfortable and uncertain, we limit ourselves. It is by leaning into vulnerability that we experience the full, broad range of emotions, including great joy. Parenting can be hard, but what joy there is in have a little person who loves you wholeheartedly. To know you are responsible for helping them to grow and flourish. The excited breathing and big gummy grin my girl gets when she sees me warms my heart so much!

But not today. Today I am just forlorn. And that is ok. Feelings pass and it's ok to feel sad, or angry, or upset. Today I will sit in and lean into my discomfort, knowing that perhaps a greater feeling of joy is around the corner. One day I will have more time for myself and I will miss the little snuggles and gummy grins. There are times and seasons for all feelings. 

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

looking back: 2017

This year both flew by faster than any previous year and had some of the slowest days of my life. The biggest event of the year was welcoming Lyla into our family on May 10th. The rest of the year also revolved around her and my journey into motherhood. Here's a review...

Part 1: waiting for baby (Jan-April)
  • Switched health care providers to a midwife/birth center and felt SO at peace with it
  • Cameron went through his own nesting phase and put our 72 hr kits together
  • Trip to Florida at Valentines where we took maternity pictures
  • Posted my blog and was overwhelmed by the positive response
  • Felt overwhelmed by gathering baby items but confident in my life path (good-bye quarter life crisis)
  • Found Hypnobabies and looked forward to birthing time 
  • Felt like baby would never come and got tired of pesky questions 

Part 2: newborn days are hard (May-Aug)
  • Overwhelming love for our little human
  • Lots of Netflix and sleeping
  • Lots of crying, both by mom and baby
  • Obsessed over baby sleep
  • Embraced emotions, hormones, and uncertainty; questioned if I would ever leave the house again
  • Celebrated our Anniversary and first date out away from Lyla 
  • Felt support by family, friends, and even complete strangers that helped get me through

Part 3: confidence in motherhood (Sept-Dec)
  • Finally enjoyed being a mom
  • Watched as Lyla learned to roll, sit, crawl, stand and start eating
  • Started reading a ton of gentle parenting books 
  • Had play dates with baby friends, went to playgroup and library story time
  • Embraced minimalism and purged a lot 
  • Celebrated Christmas with my family for the first time in 3 years
  • Attended my sister's wedding 
This year I've learned that sometimes the best life strategy is to not have one at all, but to take things as they come and adapt where you can. I want to continue this in 2018 by embracing whatever happens and trying to improve myself along the way. Here are some more of my goals for this year...
  • Keep connection my #1 goal with Lyla, even as we anticipate potential sleep regressions, tantrums, and picky eating
  • Make my marriage a priority. I’m my strongest mama bear when I remember I’m a wife first
  • Continue to read gentle parenting books
  • Keep the clutter out! 
  • Gradually minimize waste and bring in more reusable products instead
  • Quill an “L” for Lyla’s room 
I usually don’t make resolutions because they feel forced and never end up happening, but I do think it’s a good chance to reflect and set new goals. So this year I’m trying again and being more intentional with them. 2017 was both a joy and an emotional roller coaster and I’m genuinely excited to continue to watch Lyla grow and see what else this year brings.

Happy New Year!