Disclaimer: I'm not a hug fan of blogs. They crowd the internet like condiments in my fridge. They take up space, most are forgotten, and many expire, never to be used again.
So why do it? Some strive keep friends updated on their family, but pictures/my journal usually suffice for me. Others have strong opinions that people follow, but I am certainly not one of those people. Occasionally I have the notion that my experiences will help someone, inspire someone, or encourage someone and perhaps they will, but then the little voice in my head says I'm just one person.
The real reason? I keep having the thought that I need to write things down and get them out there. This thought won't go away so I'm giving in. It may be for my own benefit only, or maybe one day for someone else. For now, I'll just keep my head down, fingers to the keyboard, and trust that whatever I feel the need to write about will have a purpose to eventually be revealed.
My one hesitation - and perhaps why I have never opened my head to the public before - is vulnerability. We all worry that we overthink, over obsess, and that people will question and judge our every move. And they will. So while many won't bat an eyelash over another blog added to the webosphere, I will worry too much. But thanks to my many readings of Brene Brown's material, I'm doing it anyways.
If you care to listen, go ahead (and I'm scared you will). If you never know about this or any other post (which I am also scared of), that's fine too. So here goes nothing.
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