Merry Christmas!
Christmas-time is always a favorite time of year and this year we were excited to involve Lyla in all our festivities and traditions. Also, #realtalk, I have so many cute baby Christmas pictures I just had to share.
Dec 4th we started with my father-in-law's company family Christmas party - dinner and the Luminaria exhibit at Thanksgiving point. I was worried about Lyla staying warm and being up past her bedtime but she was totally enthralled, content, and then fell asleep on the way home (which NEVER happens). She met Santa for the first time and wasn’t quite sure what to think.
Dec 16th was our ward Christmas party. Lyla had a grand old time joining in on the breakfast and this time meeting Santa was met with something of a smile!
Dec 22nd and 23rd we started on some Christmas baking (cranberry orange scones, orange rolls, and cinnamon rolls) and went on our annual Christmas light ride. Lyla definitely likes Christmas lights. She’ll even eat them if they’re close.
Christmas Eve we enjoyed our church Christmas program and Lyla made friends with the old ladies in the congregation with her smiles and babblings while I was up on the stand with the choir. I was proud that I got Lyla’s bow to stay in at least for one picture. That evening we went to the in-laws (Farfar and Farmor) for a nice dinner and treats. Lyla loved the roast and cinnamon apples.
Christmas Day started dark and early at 6:30 when baby woke up. We opened stockings and presents before having a carb loaded breakfast of the rolls, Einstein bagels (including green chile and a snickerdoodle flavor!) ham, egg nog and juice. Considering I’m a minimalist and Lyla finds boxes, wrapping paper, and ribbons more interesting than actual toys we didn’t get her much of anything except for a baby toothbrush, beanie baby, and a loofah to play with. I’m grateful our parents aren’t large gifters either, so from them we got one toy, an outfit, and my family’s literal presence as we haven’t spent Christmas with them in 3 years and
plane tickets are pricey during the holidays. Yay family! We had a White Christmas and snow actually stuck to the ground for the first time this season so Lyla discovered snow and mostly wanted to eat it. We spent the afternoon and evening playing, visiting, and eating with my family, some cousins/aunts/uncles and my mom's parents. Way too many people at once for our little girl so we had to frequently step out for a break but we managed. Lyla was certainly loved and adored by all including my siblings, most of whom had yet to meet her in person.
plane tickets are pricey during the holidays. Yay family! We had a White Christmas and snow actually stuck to the ground for the first time this season so Lyla discovered snow and mostly wanted to eat it. We spent the afternoon and evening playing, visiting, and eating with my family, some cousins/aunts/uncles and my mom's parents. Way too many people at once for our little girl so we had to frequently step out for a break but we managed. Lyla was certainly loved and adored by all including my siblings, most of whom had yet to meet her in person.